Minutes of 6/25/11 NY Executive Committee meeting
Venue: Village Hut, Jamaica
Time: 830-0130pm
Attending: Kris Lachman, Riaz Bacchus, Radha and Howard Bernstein, Ganee Abdool, Cecilia Vasconcellos, Ameer Gulmohamad and guest Gord Ramkissoon from Canada
Items discussed:
- Due to some personal commitments of Riaz and Kris, some coordination did not get done regarding the follow up with the LCSS head master, Mr. Nick the IT teacher at LCSS and the graduation ceremony. This will be attended to soon.
2. Fund raiser event- After some of us attended an event there this June it is now felt that the location will be too small for us. We are now in the process of looking elsewhere for a more suitable venue. We hope to keep the same Sept. 24 date
3. Playground: Eno made contact with an alternate contractor but they need to speak to Riaz to get the specifics of what we want done before giving a price quote, as Riaz has visual knowledge of the job
4. We were pleased to have as a guest Gord Ramkissoon from Canada and we discussed a variety of issues such as:
a.Gord wanting to set up a yearly US$1000 fund for the school as a scholarship or in another beneficial way
b.Outsourcing the LCSS computer lab to a local Guyanase lab where the students can get training. This would eliminate the need to fund hardware and infrastructure in the school and we discussed the various pros and cons on this matter. Ganee will be following up with Gord as they both know the manager of the Guyanese computer lab, to get more information such as costs
c.Gord suggested that via guyanadoctor.com that we consider funding dental health check ups for the students or related type of services. We all that thought this was very interesting and worthy of more discussion. This is a need we would never have thought to address and we appreciated Gord’s suggestion
d.We spoke about a joint NY-Canadian event
e.We listened to how Gord goes about doing various charitable projects in Guyana. He suggested we partner with Guyana Rotary and Lions Clubs
f. We discussed what Gord knew of the One Lap Top Per Child program and he said it will surely be in place before the October elections. Gord says 90,000 laptops have already been delivered but there are no training programs in place yet
5.Raffle ticket books were distributed as follows:
Riaz 100, Eno 100, Cecilia 100, Sandie 100, Ameer 100, Ganee 100, Kris 150, Howard and Radha balance 250