Date: July 14, 2011
Venue: Phone conference (Our first thanks to Ameer’s efforts and expertise)
Time: 9:30 – 10:30 PM
Attendees: Kris Lachman, Riaz Bacchus, Radha Bernstein, Eno Chabinauth, Rakesh, Ameer Gulmohamad
Items discussed:
1. Distribution of raffle tickets
· Kris said that Sandra does not have raffle tickets. We need a few packs for Sandra. I don’t believe we came to a conclusion on how to get raffle tickets to Sandra.
· Kris suggested a way of selling tickets –give the tickets to a few alumni and ask them to sell.
2. The Committee voted YES unanimously to fund the following:
· Broadband accessfor the lab: Ameer will contact Guyana Telephone & Telegram to find out how we can arrange payment directly from the committee. The main reason is to avoid the risk of funds mismanagement by third parties. Ameer will also try to see if we can get a discount if we can prepay for set periods, IE – pay for a year at a time.
· Typing Tutor Software: Ameer will pick this up from Staples or Office Max and drop it off to Riaz for Mr. Samuel Mungra to pick up and take back to Guyana for Nick. In addition, Ameer will also provide some IT training material for Mr. Mungra to take back to help Nick with his skills.
· Microsoft Office Professional Academic License: Ameer will look into getting the academic version before school reopens in September.
3. We discussed the feasibility of implementing some policies around the lab usage and management. Riaz advised that the policies must be in conformance with the rules and regulation of the Ministry Of Education. Nick will submit a proposal to the committee and I will also ask Mr. Soman for guidance on this.
4. Playground
· The latest details were provided by Howie in the embedded email below from Gord. Eno will follow up and update the committee.
5. Graduation ceremony
· There were no updates on this as Cecelia was not on the call. Hopefully Cecelia was able to contact Ms. Ramkin and get the ball rolling. Eno will contact Cecelia for updates.
6. Fairfield Pavilion
· Kris will call Kali to setup an appointment for Saturday,7/23 at 9:00 AM. Riaz, Eno will accompany Kris to discuss the details Kali on Saturday, 7/23.
7. Event Ticket distribution
· Kris asked about how the tickets will be distributed. Rhoda requested hers to be mailed, Chris will deliver to Eno and Riaz and I will pick up from Kris.
8. Next meeting
· The tentative meeting on July 23rd was cancelled. The next tentative date will be early August but the date was not selected.
· We will have another conference call again within the next two weeks. Kris will start an email thread to arrange the date that is best suited for everyone.