Venue: Caribbean Cabana, Richmond Hill

 Time: 8:30 – 10:30 PM

 Attendees: Chris Lachman, Riaz Bacchus, Cecilia Vasconcellos, Ameer Gulmohamad

Topics discussed:


    1. Lack of communication with the school and out counterpart in Guyana


      • Our last communication with our counterpart in Guyana was on July 21st 2012. We have no updates on status of the electrical work and the internet access.


      • Ameer will send a follow up email to our counterpart in Guyana.


      • Riaz will try to call the headmaster at his home.


      • Chris will introduce Ameer to Miss Pamilla Jaijairam-Deonarine on Facebook. Pamilla is a teacher at the school and we hope that she can fill the communication gap.




    2. The letter to the Ministry of Education about building a new school.


          • We got no official response from the MOE about the letter.


          • Howard and Riaz called the MOE last week and spoke to Ms. Bridgette who is the assistant secretary to Minister Prya Manickchand. She acknowledged that the MOE has received the letter and has forwarded a copy to Region 6 where LCSS is located. The region must be the one to confirm that a new school is needed so the Ministry must wait for that feedback. Ms. Bridgette did comment though that such a project as we are suggesting might be difficult because other schools will want to have the same treatment and then render our plan impossible. It is doubtful to get any response in August and we will have to follow up with Ms. Bhajjan who is the Region 6 minister, with whom Riaz had originally discussed our plan.




          3.  2012 Dinner / Dance Fund Raiser


                • We need to start planning the event in the coming weeks.


                • Chris and Riaz distributed event and raffle tickets to Cecilia and Ameer.




              4.  Next meetings


                    • The proposed dates of the next 3 meeting are:


                    1. The weekend of August 24/25


                    1. The weekend of September 7/8


                  1. The weekend of September 21/22