Venue: Hibiscus, Queens Village

Time: 800-1030pm

Attending: Kris Lachman, Howard Bernstein, Riaz Bacchus, Radha Bernstein

Items discussed:

  • New Website is under construction and should be ready in October. It will have a fresh and a more professional look
  • The members that attended this meeting feel that instead of scholarships to the UG which will be for a limited amount of students, it would be better to fund infrastructural and other improvements to the school that can benefit many. This will be further voted on once all members can be reached for their opinions
  • Science lab: We all were delighted to see photos of the new lab in use with students participating in experiments. The thank you that was posted on Facebook from the school was very much appreciated by all
  • New copier machine: We have decided to fund this as the next project and we have requested a proposal be obtained by Pamela from a local vendor who can also maintain service.
  • Fund raisers: We talked about having low key types like picnics etc. where donations can be accepted at the event as opposed to the dinner dances we have had in the past that require a of preparation by the members.
  • Text book funding: After the meeting I have heard from Pamela our check cleared and that she will going to Austin Book Shop in GT to collect the books